Synk 2 copyright © 1996-1998 raja software WASTE text engine © 1993-1996 Marco Piovanelli programming by Randall Voth all rights reserved worldwide $10 US shareware send US check, Canadian equivalent check or equivalent major currencies: Randall Voth 46058 Fiesta Avenue Chilliwack, BC Canada V2P 3S4 email: Randall Voth Quick Start 1) Define the mode: Backup or Synchronize. A backup will remove any files or folders that do not exist in the "From..." folder out of the "To..." folder. Synchronize will copy files both ways between the two "Select..." folders. 2) Choose two folders clicking on the "From..." and "To..." buttons, if a Backup, or the two "Select..." buttons if a Synchronize. 3) Decide what happens to old files with the "Obsolete files" popup. If you are archiving old files you will need to choose an archive folder. 4) Optionally define rules for files or folders that should be skipped. Click on the appropriate list box and then click the "New..." button. For more information about selection rules, read the accompanying documentation. 5) Click "Go" 6) There is a condensation of the manual later in this "about" text. You can click in this text, choose "Select All" and then drag the text to the Finder as a text clipping if you have at least System 7.5. Of course, the documentation is provided in its best form as a portable document file to be read by Adobe Acrobat. What Makes Synk Special? Other than being sublime and joyfully simple, Synk can resolve aliases. This means you can fill a folder full of aliases and Synk will backup the actual files or folders. I keep a folder full of aliases to my source code and other important bits that I use as a regular backup. It is easy to program a backup strategy this way. Simply make an alias of anything you want backed up and throw it in a "Daily Backup" folder. You can add or delete items in this folder without modifying the Synk Document. You can even have aliases in your destination folders so disparate files will be placed (for instance) into the correct place on your PowerBook's hard drive. The possibilities are endless. Just one limitation: do not place aliases to parent folders within child folders. Such an endless loop trembles even the boots of Synk. Common Errors in Log -34, no room left on disk for copying -47, file was in use -44, disk was write-protected Subconscious Psycho-Babble Be a hippocrite, vote Rhinoceros Party Special Thanks Jim Luther Marco Piovanelli Dan Crevier Timothy Paustian Jon Pugh Jason Keltz